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Generate Free to Use Content with Free Tools by Bytecasting.
We provide free great tools like text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and random image generator.

Connect with us for more tools and ideas


    Text-To-Speech & Speech-To-Text

    With text-to-speech & speech-to-text write down your ideas and thoughts and generate speech you can also turn your speech to text with this tool to make it more convenient we allow you to download your files.

    Random Free Image Generator

    With random free image generator you can type the query to search any image of your interest and download it use them freely in your projects.

    Free Words & Characters Counter

    With free words and character counter you can analyse your text and detect the number of words and characters it have this will help you make text content for platforms where the words and characters are limited.

    Voice Recorder

    With voice recorder you can record your voice with any device and microphone and download the output easily and fast this tools will help you take voice notes and will help you in recording and voice over projects.

    Video and Screen Recorder

    With video and screen recorder you can record video from your device and download the output easily and with screen recorder you can record your screen and download the output easily too.

    Gradient Generator

    With gradient generator you can generate different kinds of colour combinations and gradient patterns and to use them just copy the HEX or RGB code generated and apply to your projects.