Bytecasting Sales Plus

Sales Enablement
Train to Achieve Your

Achieve Sales Excellence in Impressive Record Time using Sales role play scenarios by sales enablement video role play & Sales Training Role-play.

Sales video role play scenarios

Train your sales team with the best sales enablement module by Bytecasting where you can create video scenarios using Sales role play scenarios by sales enablement video role play and evaluate the submissions, resulting in a great way to train your team using Sales Training Role-play.

Mobile Compatibility 

Video Scenario

Report & Progress


Sales Enablement

Train Faster, Smarter & Drive More Engagement

  • Coach your team with customizable criteria and assessment guidelines.
  • Give your sales reps ample training ground to rehearse their pitch with confidence via webcam or mobile.
  • Coach reviews and evaluate their team’s submissions and provides expert guidance.

The best design and function combined together

Video Scenario

Video Scenarios, Assessments and Evaluation to keep your team enhanced.

Traits and Certification

Highlights the Rep’s traits and skills. Achieve excellence and certification on skills.

Mass Training & reports

Monitor the insights and outputs of the training with progress reports of assessments.

    Contact Us

    Sales Enablement & sales role play scenarios Tool

    Please fill out the form to book a free demo with us and we would love to show you around.

    Sales readiness Sales role play scenarios by sales enablement video role play software for everyone.

    Whether you lead an entire revenue organization,
    manage a team of sales reps or provide support for sales to succeed, our platform is built for you.